• About Us

We at Board are driven by a mission to put in tireless efforts in a transparent and efficient manner toward the fulfilment of the responsibility, the organisation is entrusted with.

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J&K Board of Technical Education (a.k.a. JKBOTE), established by J&K State Board of Technical Education Act, 2002, is an autonomus body of Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir falling under aegis of Skill Development Department, J & K. The J&K Board of Technical Education was known as J&K State Board of Technical Education(or JKSBOTE) prioir to the reorganization act of 2019. The Board is conferred with a mandate:

(i) To regulate matters pertaining to technical education,
(ii) To develop the standards of technical education, and
(iii) To conduct examinations for the students admitted to AICTE approved Polytechnics from time to time leading to the award of diplomas
(iv) To monitor the performance of the affiliated institutions and for other matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

The Board of Technical Education stands under the constant responsibility of specifying the educational and other qualifications for admission of students to recognized/affiliated institutions at Polytechnics and ITI levels and the terms and conditions upon which, students shall be admitted to such institutions. As such the Board has to coordinate and maintain standards of technical education and to effect re-orientation of such education in conformity with the norms and standards of courses laid down by the All India Council for Technical Education so as to serve the needs of commerce and industry and to promote cooperation amongst recognized polytechnics and industrial and commercial organizations. We at Board are driven by a mission to put in tireless efforts in a transparent and efficient manner toward the fulfilment of the responsibility, the organisation is entrusted with.


Advisor to the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor. Chairman
Financial Commissioner, Finance Department. Member
Administrative Secretary to Government, Skill Development Department. Member
Principal Secretary to Government, Planning, Development and Monitoring Department. Member
Commissioner/Secretary to Government, Industries and Commerce Department. Member
Commissioner/Secretary to Government, Public Work (R&B) Department. Member
Director, Industries & Commerce, Jammu/Kashmir Member
Director, Skill Development, J&K. Member
Chief Engineer, R&B, Jammu/Kashmir. Member
Chief Engineer, M&RE, Jammu/Kashmir Member
Secretary, J&K Board of Technical Education. Member- secretary
Principal,Govt. Polytechnic for Women, Srinagar. Member
Principal, Government Polytechnic, Vikram Chowk, Jammu. Member
Principal, SSM College of Engineering, Pattan. Member
Principal, T.T.T.I, Chandigarh or his representative not below the rank of a Professor. Member
An officer of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resources Development to be nominated by the Government of India. Member
Representative of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) nominated by Council. Member
Two representatives of teaching faculty of the Polytechnics nominated by the Government Member
Dean, School of Technology, IUST, Awantipora Member
Director, MIET, Jammu Member
Chairman, K.C. Group of Industries, Jammu Member
MD/CEO, Peaks Group, Srinagar Member



Examination Fee (Regular) Rs. 1000/ per semester
Re-appear candidates (Theory & Practical papers shall be considered separately) Rs. 200/- only (For One Subject)
Rs. 400/- only (For Two Subject)
Rs. 1000/- only (For more than Two Subjects)
Registration Fee Rs. 200/- only
Re-evaluation fee for one subject Rs. 390/- only
Late fee upto 10 days from the last date of filling of online form of examination/registration Rs.260/-
Issuance of Duplicate marks certificate Rs. 65/Semester- only
Correction in (Name/Parentage in marks certificate) Rs. 65/Semester- only
Verification of certificates Rs. 500/-
Issuance of Migration certificate Rs. 650/- (Without Postal Charges)
Identification fee for one subject during Re- Evaluation Rs. 65/-
Photostat copy of one answer script Rs.200/-
Miss chance fee for 2 examination chances Rs.200/-
Miss chance fee for 3 examination chances Rs.500/-
Miss chance fee for more than 3 examination chances Rs.800/-
Issuance of Duplicate/correction in diploma certificate Rs.650/-
Branch change in same Institute including Processing fee Rs.4000/-
Migration from one Polytechnic to another Poly in the same branch including Processing fee RS.4000/-
Migration along with change of branch including processing fee Rs.5000/-
Issuance of Duplicate Roll No. Rs.130/-
Re-admission/renewal of registration Rs.500/-
Communication of result in advance /confidential result Rs.500/-


To enable students of Jammu and Kashmir to realize their full potential and evaluate their competencies achieved in various sectors of Skill development.

Our mission is to achieve excellence in the skill development and implementation of academic plan for the students studying either in Polytechnic level or ITI in Jammu and Kashmir which aims at:

Serial No. Subject
1. Framing the curriculum at various level in a synchronized manner to enables the student to learn in a stress free environment.
2. Monitor the study material with latest knowledge applicable in practical life and value oriented.
3. Examine the students in an impartial, fair and transparent manner.
4. Creating a climate of voluntary compliance by the stakeholders by observing the Rules and Regulations in letter and spirit.


Powers and duties of the Board -
(1) The Board may ordinarily meet once in every six months but shall hold at least one meeting in a year.
(2) The Board shall, in addition to the meeting referred to in subsection (1), hold a meeting to be known as annual meeting to consider and approve its annual report, audited annual accounts and balance sheets.
(3) Subject to the provision of this Act and the norms of guidelines, if any, laid down by the Council, the powers and duties of the Board shall be following, namely :-
   (i) to recognize or affiliated any Polytechnic situated within or outside the State :    Provided that, where any Polytechnic situated outside the State is recognized or affiliated, an intimation of such recognition/affiliation shall forthwith be given by the Board to the Council as well as to the Government and the Board of the State in which such recognized or affiliated institution is located;
   (ii) to inspect or cause to be inspected any institution seeking affiliation;
   (iii) to specify the nature of study and instructions leading to the examinations to be conducted by it;
   (iv) to fix norms and standards for infrastructure and equipment for affiliated institution;
   (v) to specify the educational as per qualifications of persons to be appointed on the faculty of recognized/affiliated polytechnics;
   (vi) to refuse to affiliate any institution which :-
      (a) does not fulfill or is fulfill the standards laid down by the Board for the instructions, equipment and building; or
      (b) does not abide by the for affiliation laid down by the Board : Provided that affiliated an institution shall not be refused without given a reasonable opportunity of being heard and without passing an order in writing by recording reasons therefor.
   (vii) to withdraw affiliation of any institution which is unable to adhere to or make a provision for standards of staff, instruction, equipment or build, laid down by the Board or on its failure to observance conditions of affiliation to the satisfaction of the Board : Provided that affiliation of an institution shall not be withdrawn without giving it a reasonable opportunity of being heard and without passing an order in writing by recording reasons therefor;
   (viii) to specify the educational and other qualifications for admission of students to recognised/affiliated Polytechnics and the terms and conditions upon which, and manner in which, students shall be admitted to such polytechnics;
   (ix) to conduct examinations for the students admitted to recognised/affiliated polytechnics from time to time leading to the award of diplomas;
   (x) to provide for the conditions including examinations fees for admission to examinations conducted by it;
   (xi) to call report from Head of the affiliated institutions in respect of any act done in contravention of the rules, regulations, decisions, instructions or directions of the Board in such manner, as may be specified in the Regulations;
   (xii) to inspect or cause to be inspected an affiliated institution for purpose of ensuring due observance of the specified courses of study and also to ensure that the facilities for instructions are fully provided and availed of;
   (xiii) to provide for the publication of the results of the examinations and for the grant of certificates and diplomas to students who have satisfactorily completed the course of study in any recognised Polytechnic and passed the examination conducted for the purpose;
   (xiv) to advise the Government on all matters relating to technical education and training in the State at Polytechnic level;
   (xv) to coordinate and maintain standards of technical education at Polytechnic level and to affect reorientation of such education in conformity with the norms and standards of Courses laid down by the Council so as to serve the needs of commerce and industry and to promote cooperation amongst recognised Polytechnics and industrial and commercial organisations;
   (xvi) to institute an award fellowships (including travelling fellowships), scholarships, studentships and to award prizes and distinction certificates;
   (xvii) to prescribe norms and procedure for grant of assistance to the affiliated institution for improving the quality of technical education;
   (xviii) to cooperate with the Council and its regional Committee and Boards of studies and other All India Organizations and authorities for the purpose of effective functioning of the Board, to effect uniformity in standards in recognised Polytechnics and to increase the potential for the employment of those successfully completing the course in a Polytechnic;
   (xix) to exercise disciplinary jurisdiction over the students with regard to any matter pertaining to the conduct of examination or the award of certificates or diplomas;
   (xx) to borrow money, with the prior approval of the Government and on the security of its property for carrying out its duties imposed by or under this Act;
   (xxi) to delegate, by notification, such of its powers and functions subject to such conditions as it may think fit, to any recognised Polytechnic;
   (xxii) to recommend to Government introduction of new courses;
   (xxiii) to refer my question arising in the course of exercise of its powers or in the discharge of its duties and functions under this Act, to any appropriate committee and consider the Committee's recommendations thereon;
   (xxiv) to instruct the affiliated institution to make available infrastructure, faculty, and such other facilities as may be required by the Board for smooth conduct of examination and for proper discharge of functions under this Act or the rules or the regulations made thereunder;
   (xxv) to develop and launch a job placement module, to be made available on the web site, for the information of the prospective employees of the pass outs about the availability of the candidates for job in their organisation. The feed back on the job acceptability of the pass outs shall in turn be utilized in reorienting the course curriculum to the needs of the industry;
   (xxvi) to formulate schemes for initial and in-service training of teachers and identify institutions or centres and set up new centers for staff development programmes including continuing education of teachers;
   (xxvii) to take all necessary steps to prevent commercialisation of technical institutions;
   (xxviii) to lay down policy and procedures for migration or transfer of students from one institution to another;
   (xxix) to carry out such other duties as may be imposed on it under this Act, or the rules or regulations made thereunder and also such other functions and powers as may be assigned or delegated to it by the Government. This may include conduct of examination of the students admitted in the Industrial Trainings Institutes (ITIs)in the State.


Refund of Fees -
A Candidate who fails to pass or is unable to present himself at an examination conducted by the Board shall not be entitled to refund of the admission fee or having it kept in deposit for a subsequent examination unless:-
   (i) He dies before the commencement of the examination or before he finishes his examination, the fees in either case being refunded to his legal heirs.
   (ii) He is debarred from appearing at the examination on account of shortage in lectures.
   (iii) He is declared in-eligible to appear at the examination.
   (iv) He has paid the admission fee but he has not submitted his admission form.

Provided that refund of fee or its being kept in deposit shall not be allowed to a candidate whose admission form has been rejected on account of his producing a false certificate or making a false statement in the form of application or who has failed to produce documents subject to production of which he could be declared eligible.

Withdrawal of Permission -
Permission to appear at an examination may be withdrawn by the Board before or during the course of examination for such conduct of a candidate as in the opinion of the Board or the Examination committee justifies this action.

The Secretary may withdraw before or during the course of examination the permission granted to a candidate by some mistake or omission if he was not eligible for appearing at an examination, even though an admission card has been issued and produced by him before the superintendent of a centre.

Additional Diplomas -
No one who has passed an examination of the Board or an equivalent examination of another Board or university shall be permitted to appear at the same examination except as specifically prescribed in these rules.

Medium of Examination -
English shall be the medium of examination in all the subjects.

Late Arrivals -
The Superintendent may permit a candidate to take examination. If he is not late by more than 15 minutes on a particular day of examination hall after 15 minutes except under very extraordinary circumstances where the Superintendent is satisfied that the candidate is late for the reasons beyond his control. In such a case the Superintendent may admit him provided that the candidate is not late by more than half an hour.
No candidate shall be admitted to the examination hall for any reason whatsoever, after the expiry of half an hour during which time no person shall be allowed to leave the examination hall.

Damage to Furniture -
Candidates attempting to damage the furniture of the Centre shall be required to make good the loss besides incurring any penalty imposed on them.

Unfair means/Mis-conduct -
Every day before the examination begins the Superintendent shall call upon all the candidates at the centre to search their pockets and deliver to him all papers, books, note books which they may have in their possession or any other material relevant to the subject of examination. Where a late comer is admitted this warning shall be repeated to him at the entrance of the hall.
The Superintendent shall report to the Secretary on the very day of occurrence each case where use of misconduct of unfair means in the examination comes to his notice with full details of evidence and written statement of the candidate concerned on the form supplied by the Secretary for the purpose. In case the candidate refused to give a statement he is not to be forced to do so, only the fact of his refusal shall be recorded by the Superintendent and attested by two other members of the Supervisory staff on duty at the time of occurrence.
A candidate found resorting to the use of unfair-means or committing misconduct in the examination shall be permitted to answer the remaining part of his question paper, but on a separate answer book. The answer book in respect of which use of unfair means is suspected shall be seized by the Superintendent who shall sent both the answer books (in a separate cover to be put in the parcel of answer books) to the Secretary with his report. This will not affect the candidate’s right to appear in the rest of the examination in subsequent papers.
Any candidate resorting to the unfair means/misconduct in the examination hall shall be liable to be disqualified from appearing in or passing any or all the examination of the Board for a period which may extend to five years as the examination committee may determine according to the gravity of the case provided that when the committee is of the opinion that the misconduct committed by a candidate is of an exceptional gravity it may disqualify him permanently from appearing in any of the examinations of the Board.
. Unfair means/misconduct, inter alia, include the following:-
   (i) Possession of papers, notes or books or any other material with the intention of making their use in the examination hall.
   (ii) Receiving help from or giving help to another candidate or copying from any note, paper or book or allowing any other candidate to copy from his answer book.
   (iii) Taking help from any notes, written on any part of the candidate’s clothing or body or desk or an instrument in the examination hall, or consulting papers, notes or books outside the examination hall during the examination hours.
   (iv) Obtaining admission to the examination on false representation made in his admission form or furnishing incorrect information or tampering with the documents/certificates or forging any person’s signatures on his admission form or suppressing any material information.
   (v) Communicating with any of the examiners or members of the Board or its officers. With the objects of influencing them in the award of marks or making an appeal to the examiner while writing answers for special consideration or using indecent language, or disclosing his identity in the answer book.
   (vi) Impersonation.
   (vii) Refusing to occupy the particular seat allotted to the candidate.
   (vii) Disobedience of the orders of the Superintendent of the centre of creating or attempting to create disturbance in or around the examination hall, preventing or attempting to prevent the candidate from taking the examination or organizing or attempting to organize or participating in a walk out of strike or resorting to violence.
   (ix) Leaving the examination hall without delivering the answer book to the supervisor concerned and taking away the same or intentionally tearing the answer book or any part thereof inside the examination hall.
Any candidate who creates disturbance of any kind during the examination or otherwise misbehaves in or around the examination hall may be expelled by the superintendent from the examination hall.
No order of disqualification to a candidate from appearing in or passing an examination of the Board shall be passed unless the candidate has been informed in writing of the grounds on which it is proposed to take action against him and has been afforded on opportunity to defend himself.
The grounds on which it is proposed to take action shall be framed in the form of a definit charge or charges which shall be communicated to the candidate concerned together with a statement of the allegations on which such charge/s is/are based and of any other circumstances which are proposed to be taken into consideration in passing orders on the case.
A candidate may request for access to official records for the purpose of preparing his written statement. This may be allowed, provided that the Secretary for reasons to be recorded in writing may refuse any such access if in his opinion such records are not strictly relevant to the case or it is not desirable in the public interest to allow such concession. The candidate shall be required within a reasonable time to put in a written statement of his defense and to state whether he desires to be heard in person.
All cases of unfair-means/misconduct will be disposed off by the Examination Committee.
After the inquiry against a candidate has been completed and after the committee has arrived at a provisional conclusion in regard to the punishment to be imposed. The candidate charged shall be served with a notice to show cause by a particular date, which affords him reasonable time, why the proposed punishment should not be imposed on him.
The Committee shall pass final orders on the case after considering the reply of the candidate to the show cause notice or after the expiry of time limit fixed for the show cause in case no reply is received from the candidate.
Any candidate aggrieved by an order of the committee may prefer an appeal to the Board within 45 days of the date of order.

Re-checking of Results-
A candidate who has appeared at the examination conducted by the Board may apply to the Secretary for retotaling of his marks in one or more subjects and the rechecking of his results in the manner prescribed as under:-

The Secretary may withdraw before or during the course of examination the permission granted to a candidate by some mistake or omission if he was not eligible for appearing at an examination, even though an admission card has been issued and produced by him before the superintendent of a centre.
   (i) The application must be made on the prescribed form so as to reach the Secretary within 30 days of the date of declaration of results.
   (ii) The application must be forwarded by the Principal of the Institution concerned.
The work of retotaling and rechecking does not include reassessment of answers of a candidate. It consists of rechecking of marks awarded on the answer books entered in the result registers with a view to find out whether there has been any mistake in totaling the marks assigned to individual question or an admission to award marks in part of the answer book. It is also to verify whether the marks awarded to the candidate have been correctly entered in the award rolls and the result registers.
The rechecking shall be conducted by the Secretary. If on retotaling and rechecking a mistake is detected by him the result of rechecking shall at once be notified by him with the approval of the Chairman. In case the mistake has been caused by an omission in evaluation answer or answers attempted by the candidate the answer books shall be sent to the examiner who had originally marked it. If no error or omission is found in retotaling or rechecking the candidate shall be informed accordingly.

Disposal of Marked Answer Books -
The marked answer books shall be preserved for one year. However, the answer books of candidates who have used unfair means shall be preserved for a period of two years. On the expiry of the said period the answer books shall be auctioned after destroying the title pages.

Decision of the Board -
For any matter arising out of these rules the decision of the Board shall be final.

Residuary -
The Board shall have the power to make rules and to issue instructions with respect to matters in which there is no specific provision in these rules.

Rule No. 89, 90, 91 and 92 of State Board of Technical Education 1979 are substituted by the following rules:-
Rule Governing Re-evaluation of Answer Books
  (a) Re-evaluation of scripts shall be permissible in the following examination:-
   (i) No re-evaluation shall be permitted in the Practical Examination held in different subjects or paper/s internal assessment and viva-voce.
   (ii) ) If a candidate feels that his answer book/s has/have not been fairly evaluated he may apply for re-evaluation of the same to the Secretary. Board of Education on the prescribed application forms.
   (iii) The application for this purpose on the prescribed form shall read the Board within 15 days from the date of declaration of the result of the particular examination i.e. the date printed on the result gazette/notification. No application form shall be entertained thereafter even with late fee.
   (iv) The answer scripts in various subjects cleared for re-evaluation by the Committee of experts shall be sent to two different Examiners in each subject and two better scores out of the three awards (received from the original examiner and the two re-evaluators) will be added and the mean thereof determined to award concession under Rule 92(i).
   (v) While sending the answer scripts to a particular examiner for re-evaluation, ten answer sheets of students other than those who have applied for the same will be sent to the Examiner concerned in order to facilitate the examiner to judge the standard of evaluation in the Board. In case it is a single answer book that is to go for re-evaluation, three answer books of different levels will accompany the answer sheet in question.
   (vi) The affect of the re-evaluation shall be given where the character of the result has changed (character means fail to re-appear/reappear to pass or fail to pass change in division or position in the Board merit list) or where on re-evaluation the score increases by 8% or more of the maximum marks allotted to the concerned paper.
   (v) The result declared under the scheme of re-evaluation shall be binding on the students who will be required to submit an affidavit duly sworn before 1st class Magistrate or a public Notary or an oath commissioner to the effect that the result of the re-evaluation shall be final and binding upon him/her. No further re-assessment shall be allowed after the awards are received from the examiner who evaluated the answer sheet/s on re-evaluation.
   (vi) The rechecking shall be conducted by the Secretary, if on rechecking a mistake is detected by him the result of rechecking shall at once be notified by him with the approval of Chairman. In case the mistake has been caused by omission in evaluating answer/s i.e. (whether there has been any mistake in totaling the marks assigned to individual question or an omission to award marks to an answer or part thereof) attempted by the candidate the answer book shall be sent to the examiner who has already marked it. If no error or omission has been found and the candidate/s requests for re-evaluation of his answer script/s action shall be taken in accordance with the rule 89(v). In case the result of the candidate is affected by re-evaluation the result of the candidate should be declared accordingly with the approval of the Chairman.

The finding of the Secretary regarding rechecking/revaluation shall be final.